March 25-27, 2025
Gila River-Wild Horse Pass
5040 Wild Horse Pass Blvd
Chandler, AZ 85226
Click here to see the Know Before You Go logistical information.
On Tuesday, March 25th, you are invited to Rock Your Mocs and/or to wear traditional attire, such as your favorite beadwork, earrings, ribbon skirt, or shirt during the training.
The Office of Child Care (OCC) training for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2026-2028 Tribal Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan will be held at the location listed above. The Tribal CCDF Plan serves as a Tribal Lead Agency’s application for CCDF funding and describes the ways that the Tribal Lead Agency plans to implement the requirements of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act and the CCDF requirements.
We encourage you to please plan to attend our 3 full-day training. This training opportunity will include interactive discussions, highlight available resources, and offer ample time for Plan writing. In addition, staff from the OCC Regional Offices and the Tribal Child Care Capacity Building Center will be available to offer technical assistance support.
The Tribal CCDF Plan Training agenda is designed to provide Tribal Lead Agencies an opportunity to interact with their peers and share ideas, strategies, culturally responsive practices, and lessons learned. Please bring your current FFY 2023-2025 Tribal CCDF Plan, policies and procedures, other program documents that support Plan development, and a laptop or other electronic device so you can draft responses to your new Plan.
Tribal CCDF Administrators, fiscal staff, and others who have key roles in the administration of CCDF funds will benefit from this opportunity to learn and connect. Due to space constraints, Tribal Lead Agencies should try to limit attendance to two staff members. There is no registration fee to attend the training. Please register and make your hotel reservations before March 10th.
Tribal Lead Agencies are reminded that CCDF program funds may be used for allowable costs associated with travel, lodging, per diem, and other related expenses associated with CCDF meetings and trainings, including Tribal Plan trainings. Contact your OCC Regional Office for more information or with any questions. We look forward to working with you at the upcoming FFY 2026-2028 Tribal CCDF Plan Training!
The vision for the Tribal Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan Trainings is to bring together direct-funded Tribal lead agency CCDF staff members, Office of Child Care (OCC) personnel, and technical assistance providers to prepare Tribal lead agencies to submit the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2026–2028 Tribal CCDF Plan.
The purpose of this training is as follows:
Participants will do the following:
The audience for this Tribal training will include the following entities: